Q-41 What are the types of major Kufr?
A. There are five types of major Kufr :
1. The Kufr of denial.
2. The Kufr of arrogance associated with recognition of
the truth.
3. The Kufr of doubt.
4-. The Kufr of disregard,
5. The Kufr of hypocrisy.
Q-42 What are the categories of hypocrisy ?
A. There are two categories of hypocrisy:
1. Hypocrisy in Belief.
2. Hypocrisy in deeds and actions.
Q-43 What is the hypocrisy in Belief?
A. Hypocrisy in Belief is of six types:
1. Denial of the Messenger
2. Denial of the thing with which the Messenger is
3. Hating the Messenger
4.Hating the thing with which the Messenger is sent.
5. Rejoicing at the disgrace of Islam.
6. Disliking the prevalence of Islam.
Q-44 What is the hypocrisy in deeds and actions?
A. The hypocrisy in deeds and actions is of five types:
1- When he speaks, he lies.
2- When he promises., he breaks it.
3. When he is entrusted, he betrays.
4. When he disputes, he acts immorally.
5. When he makes a pact, he makes acts treacherously.
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