Friday, 18 December 2015

Question Answer About Islam

Q-46 What are the nullifiers of Islam?
A. The nullifiers of Islam are ten:
1. Polytheism of worship.
2. He who does not believe that the polytheists are disbelievers, or doubts their
infidelity or holds their belief to be valid.
3. He who sets up intermediaries between one's self and Allah, supplicating
them, trusting them and asking them to intercede on his behalf.
4. He who believes that the guidance of others is more perfect than the Prophet
5. He who hates anything that the Prophet was sent with.
6. He who denies the religion of the Prophet or ridicules its reward or
7. Sorcery.

8. Supporting the polytheists against the Muslims.

9. He who believes that some people are exempted from abiding by the Shari`ah

as Khidr was exempted by the laws of Musa.

10. Turning away from the religion of Allah by neither learning nor applying it.

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