Friday, 18 December 2015

Question Answer About Islam


Q.2. What is your religion?

A. My religion is Islam, which is submission and obedience to the Order oF Allah

and His Messenger with love, hope and fear.

Q.3. How did you know Allah?

I know Him by His signs and creation like the day and night; the sun and the

moon; the heaven and the earth, and all that is there in and between them.

Q.4. Where is Allah?

A. Allah is above the heavens raised over the Throne and separated from His


Q.5. Is Allah with us (in person)?

A. Allah is settled over His Mighty Throne, but He is with us by His Knowledge,
hearing ,seeing and other attributes. As He said: "Fear not verily! I am with you both hearing and seeing (V,20. :46)

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