0-16 Who are the angels?
A. The angels are creatures of light. They are Allah's
obedient slaves, they do
that which they are commanded and are incapable of
Q-17 What do you mean by Belief in the Book and the
A. It means that Allah sent the Messengers like Moses,
Jesus,Abraham. Noah
etc. and sent down the books like the Torah, Injeel,
Zaboor (Psalms) etc. to call
the people to worship Allah Alone, associating nothing
with Him. He sealed
(finalized) the Messengers with Prophet Muhammed and
abrogated all
previous books with the Qur'an. Therefore the worship
should be done according
to the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet
Q-I8 What is meant by Belief in the Last Day?
A. The Belief in the Last Day means to believe that
Allah has ordained a fixed
term for everything, and a term for this world. He will
assuredly raise the dead from their graves and will account for everyone their
deeds in this world. On that Day of Resurrection, rewards and punishments will
be assigned. Every one will be justly rewarded or punished.
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